

Centric Mind

Be impactful.

We build technology companies that make a difference in how we live, learn, and work.



From physical to mental health through to digitally enabled self-care, improved care services, and new ways to enjoy life.


From early learning to re-skilling for a digital enabled workforce through new ways to access, make, and interact with knowledge.


From productivity to gaining new capabilities using tools designed to improve how people work and find what they do next.

Be Bold.


The world has many problems. Let's pick tough ones.

There is enough talent and investment to achieve great things. The real challenge is knowing where to focus, how to solve the problem, and who to solve the problem with. This is our USP. This is how we create impact.


Experienced collaborators speed up success.

We work with Founders and Corporate partners to rapidly define problems, test ideas, and learn from users and subject matter experts. This helps us to create impact from the outset with solutions that are really needed.

We are hands on business builders.

We are not an incubator, accelerator or VC. Our current focus is to build businesses with people who can accelerate the process. In the future, we will grow our operation to help early stage startups.

No short cuts. But experience helps.

Focus on building impactful companies. Don’t get distracted chasing ‘unicorns’. Start by going from $0-$1M.


  • Millions of scientists conduct hugely consequential research. But their work is slow getting out to the world because traditional scientific publishing is slow, exclusive, and extremely costly which profits publishers, not scientists. ScienceBank is changing this by revolutionising the peer-review process and delivering a compelling user experience that makes scientific publishing more fluid, fast, inclusive, and impactful - all under an open-access license.

    (Check out:

  • The Maritime industry is responsible for CO2 emissions that are equivalent to Germany’s annual emissions. We worked with the world’s biggest energy company on tech projects that leveraged AI in order to support deep-sea vessels with Just-In-Time-Arrival (JITA) into ports. By doing so, vessels burn less fuel getting to ports and therefore reduced their CO2 emissions for each voyage.

  • SuperSavvy Education was a direct-to-consumer EdTech startup and CMV spin-out venture. It aimed to give more families access to out-of-school education support with an on-demand service that combined a live tutor and an AI coach under a single family subscription.

    (Check out:

  • Yabal is a game-based live concert platform designed to blend the world of gaming and live entertainment. Based in Berlin, the startup rewards players and performers with a new model of engagement desired by gaming natives.

    (Check out:

Build impactful companies with us.

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